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Construire l'image: le corbusier et la photographie
2012 - Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds - CH

Programm: Wanderausstellung
Thema: Fotografie, Architektur
Ort: Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds - CH
Umfang: 2000 qm
Laufzeit: 30.09.2012 - 13.01.2013 (LCDF)
Planungszeit: Feb - Jun 2012
Leistung: LPh 3-6, Entwurfs- & Ausführungsplanung Architektur, Vorbereitung + Beratung Vergabe
Grafische Gestaltung: onlab, Berlin

A good many exhibitions have already been devoted to the multiple facets of Le Corbusier's work, but his relationship to photography, although it touches on many aspects of his varied career, is a theme that has so far received little attention. Photography is, of course, an essential medium for the dissemination of his architectural work, but this exhibition is not limited to the photographic representations of Le Corbusier's creations. Indeed, what concerns the curators here is photography not only as a tool for representation, promotion and diffusion, but also as a means of artistic creation. The exhibition is presented in 7 sections, which were curated by 6 internationally renowned curators. Since every curator operated following different curatorial concepts, the challenge of the exhibition design and scenography was to develop a consistent language, which converges the different thematic approaches. For each section, we defined one color from the famous "Salubra"-palette of Le Corbusier. We positioned the colored title partitions facing the entrance to each section.The design of the displays was inspired by an exhibition, which Le Corbusier designed in the same museum in the 50s. He had placed the displays onto trestles, which we adopted and reinterpreted for this exhibition. The simple design and the raw materials (spruce wood) play with the notion of picture frames.
- Text/Bilder: onlab